
Lauren & Pete took on Guadalajara – the 19th ISPO World Congress!

The 19th ISPO World Congress took place in Guadalajara, Mexico this year, which was an amazing opportunity for Pete and Lauren to go and explore new ideas in a wonderfully vibrant part of the world.


Being the first ISPO Congress in the region there was a big Latin American delegation, and most sessions were offered in both Spanish and English. The host country put on an amazing dinner, with dancers from the Chiapas region performing.


There was a big focus on osseointegration research, new socket designs, the advances in microprocessor controlled joints, and a big exhibition hall with new products and tequila shots. There was a strong representation from Australia, with many of our brightest delivering their research results and launching their projects to an international audience.


As always, it was a head spinning, brain filling, social swirl and an absolute privilege to attend. Thanks Northern Prosthetics for supporting the ongoing education of our clinicians so that we can bring home new ideas to share with our clients and colleagues.


Thanks Lauren, for your summary of the trip – and for sharing your new knowledge with the rest of our clinical team!